World Class Marketing World Class Marketing

World Class Marketing

World Class Marketing

World Class Marketing

Our world class sandwiches and menu items deserve the same level of marketing and promotion. Mr. Hero is committed to world class advertising to help drive our powerful brand messages.


Mr. Hero knows what it takes to get the job done! Our brand is recognized and loved by many thanks to our world class marketing. From television, radio, social media, billboards, graphic and local marketing support, we make it so you can’t get Mr. Hero off the brain.


Our commercials make you want to get up and head to your local Mr. Hero. With our high-class productions it’s impossible not to crave our delicious sandwiches and sides.


Social media marketing

We get social with our customers! From Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok we’re spreading happiness and promoting the brand.


Graphic support

We provide our franchisees with all their graphic needs. From menu boards, to window and door graphics, to local coupons we are only a phone call away.


Radio and Billboards

No matter which radio station you listen to, you will most likely hear a Mr. Hero commercial as we are all over the air waves. You can also see our billboards on more than 5 major highways.

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